
Leader Of European Country Shot, Rushed To Hospital


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Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was rushed to the hospital after being shot several times by a single assailant, according to multiple reports.

Video posted on X appeared to show Fico’s security detail moving him to a car shortly after he was hit in the chest and abdomen while visiting Handlova, a town about 90 miles from the country’s capital, Bratislava, for a cabinet meeting. A suspect in the shooting is in custody, The Associated Press reported. (RELATED: Chinese Internet Users Mock Japan And Celebrate Abe’s Assassination)


“I’m shocked,” Slovakian President Zuzana Caputova said, according to the AP. “I wish Robert Fico a lot of strength in this critical moment and a quick recovery from this attack.”

Fico was airlifted to a hospital after being rushed into the car, the Daily Mail reported. He was in surgery being treated for wounds to his abdomen, according to the Romanian news outlet Digi24.


Fico won a third term as prime minister in the Sept. 30 elections, campaigning on a pro-Russian message, according to the AP. Critics feared that Fico would take an approach similar to that of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the AP reported.

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