DC Trawler

Pandas are still fat, stupid jerks

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Just in case you’d forgotten. I don’t like them. I don’t like the fact that anybody else likes them. I can tolerate people I like who like them, but only just.

But still. Awwwww!

Frances Nguyen laughs lightly after a brief sigh. She fights back emotions as she reflects on what’s taken place in her life over the past few years—first, a husband and, now, a baby on the way. In a way, she owes both to Tai Shan.

Before Tai Shan, Nguyen had no real interest in pandas. It wasn’t until she viewed the lovable guy on his Web cam—courtesy of the zoo—and noticed his human-like behavior that she became intrigued. So intrigued that she eventually founded Pandas Unlimited, a fan club that raises awareness on panda conservation. Most of its members were single women—love through a chance encounter with a fellow panda enthusiast was the last thing on Nguyen’s mind.

It’s fitting that they’re having a kid. I hope it makes Tai Shan feel even worse about himself for being unable to. Shame on you, Tai Shan.

Jim Treacher