DC Trawler

I’m going to talk about my knee again. I hope you’ll be okay.

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Went back to my orthopedic surgeon for a follow-up visit this afternoon. They took some x-rays, which he said looked good. I’m able to flex my knee to around 90-95 degrees, but I’m still having trouble straightening it out all the way. I need to do more straight-leg raises to help with that. He said I no longer need the leg brace I’ve been using, or even an Ace bandage. Most importantly, I’m now off painkillers. Most of the time the pain is tolerable, and when it flares up, ibuprofen and ice can handle it.

Getting better feels good. Especially now that I have an added incentive. I need to heal up before the government decides I’m not worth fixing. Oh, sorry, I forgot. We live in Utopia now.

Jim Treacher