DC Trawler

And now, another thrilling installment of: Which One’s Nuttier?

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I gotta give the edge to Cameron on this one. Sure, Beck’s shtick is a bit much, but Cameron is touchier than a NAMBLA convention.

By the way, Mr. Cameron: If you’re so concerned about the planet, why are you still making movies? Is there a more carbon-intensive industry in the world? I think Chinese coal plants are in second place. You should be living in a hut someplace with a compost heap out back. Forage for roots and berries and like that. Why do you hate the Earth?

(Hat tip: The Live Feed)

P.S. In light of Cameron’s violent reaction to global warming skeptics, consider this. Why is it okay when some people use firearm metaphors, but it’s not okay when other people do?

Jim Treacher