
Daily Caller High: XVIII

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Editor’s Note: Daily Caller High is a group of young writers cutting their teeth in the world of political punditry.

Out of Respect, Bailed-Out Companies Need to Keep Their Politics to Themselves

by Brandon Kiser

According to a Fox News report, companies which escaped the grasp of failure during the recession because of large tax-payer bailouts are now more involved in something else other than just their business: politics. These companies, Chrysler, GM and Citigroup among others claim that they’re being politically engaged to keep us and Congress informed of their opinions and causes.

But the facts still remain: many of those companies would not be here today without taxpayer money. Meaning the money these companies use to flout their “political causes” – money from your pocket – is being used to do something other than keep the company afloat.

I’m not one to say what a company can or cannot do. In fact, if I had my way those companies wouldn’t have expected, needed or ever have received a tax-payer bailout. The matter still stands however, that out of principle, dignity and respect for the people who funded their economic kickstands, bailed-out companies should pull back from political causes and focus more of that money on preventing a repeat of what happened 2 years ago.

Snyder Grabs GOP Governor Nod in Michigan

by Jackie Seal

On Tuesday, Michigan voters had a tough choice.  They had to choose between five Republicans in the gubernatorial race for governor. Much to the surprise of many people, businessman and self-proclaimed nerd, Rick Snyder pulled out the win with 36% followed by Congressman Pete Hoekstra with 27%.  This result has left many hardcore, pro-life conservatives a little worried. No doubt the Michigan Republican Party is worried they may lose voters who are extremely pro-life because it’s been made clear that Snyder will likely not receive an endorsement from Michigan Right to Life.

It is also unclear if Snyder will be embraced by Michigan Tea Party activists. One would assume he probably will not be.  But, in Michigan a Tea Party endorsement isn’t all that necessary. If you put aside the fact that Rick Snyder hasn’t made it totally clear whether he’s pro-life or if he’s part of the Tea Party; he is the Republicans best chance at taking over the Governor’s Mansion. He has an impressive resume from a business standpoint and knows how to create jobs.  And we all know that Michigan could use a few jobs.

In his victory speech he made it clear that the pathway to creating jobs is getting rid of the bureaucracy that stands in the way of small business in Michigan. He plans on slashing the Michigan Business Tax and replacing it with a flat tax. Snyder has gathered support from fiscally conservative Democrats and independents.  There’s no doubt he’s the better choice than the Democratic alternative.  At this point, Michigan voters are just plan fed up with the lack of jobs and the ever increasing government put in place by Jennifer Granholm.  The Michigan Republican Party just posted a video showing their support and unity in hopes of electing a Republican Governor in November.

Brandon Kiser is a Kentucky student and political commentator. He is chief editor of The Right Sphere and can be found on Twitter @BrandonKiser. Jackie Seal is a high school senior who blogs at Red, White and Conservative and can be found on Twitter at @JackieSeal.