
For sale: Jewelry auctions of the rich and famous [SLIDESHOW]

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Zsa Zsa Gabor once said, “I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back.”

While we think that is a sage approach to diamonds, life and men, other celebrities disagree. Conversely, they hate their exes so much that they sell their jewels at auction. While not exactly “giving them back,” they do succeed in demonstrating just how little they care about those gifts, and men, post-breakup.

Tiger Woods’ ex-wife Elin Nordegren is the latest high-profile celeb to sell her bling. The former Swedish model is auctioning off all of the jewelry Tiger ever gave her, sending a clear message that she is o-v-e-r him.  Elin’s jewels, purportedly worth 2.5 million (really, Tiger? That’s it?), will go on sale at the famed auction house Sotheby’s.

Here are the six most high-profile jewelery auctions of late.  We can’t help but wonder, who will be next?