DC Trawler

Obama to give speech tonight

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See, that’s the problem, isn’t it? That’s a “Dog Bites Man” headline if ever there was one. Since Obama became president, he’s given more speeches than he’s had Michelle-approved hot meals. What’s the big deal about another one?

But then, I’ve never really cared about the State of the Union Address. The only reason I watched it last year was because the Daily Caller threw a party in a completely packed bar and I was supposed to liveblog the speech but mainly liveblogged the bar. At one point during the party, Obama was talking and everybody was listening but then one silly goose yelled out, “Show us your tits!” Who would say such a thing at such an important moment in history?

So I don’t think I’ll be watching tonight. But guess who’ll be livetweeting it?

The thing of it is, he might actually have a bigger audience on Twitter than he ever did at MSNBC. “FOK” stands for “Friends Of Keith.” He had to know we’d call them FOKheads. I guess he’s fine with that. Me too. And did you get what he did there? “FOK News”? Like FOX News!

Let’s hope Keith lambastes Obama for being too nice to those evil Republicans. I love the New Civility.