
Top 10 funniest CNBC debate tweets

Jamie Weinstein Senior Writer
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The top 10 funniest and most entertaining debate tweets include quips about Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s gaffe, CNBC’s moderators and much more:

10. jimantleGood thing Cain didn’t call him “Princess Frank.”

9. McCormackJohnNewt: “It turned out, unfortunately, I was right.” He hates it when that happens.

8. Jay_SeverinCain answer on Italy’s Euro debt “I LOVE ITALIAN WOMEN” perhaps not wisest choice.

7. RyanLizzaCool that CNBC get the guy from Monopoly to help moderate this economic debate.

6. JRubinBloggerno matter what career goof you make it’ll never compare to leaving newt to work for perry

5. amyewalter: Dear SNL, you are welcome. Sincerely, Rick Perry #CNBCdebate

4. BorowitzReportBREAKING: Jim Cramer Escapes from Straitjacket #GOPDebate #CNBCDebate

3. daveweigelWait, did anyone catch what Cain’s tax plan is called? #cnbcdebate

2. AnnCoulterDOES HE HAVE TO START DROOLING ON STAGE? RT @DavidLimbaugh Perry could just have ADD … . Not disqualifying for me

1. thegoldfarb: you and the kremlin RT @TheAlyonaShow: can’t wait to see defense spending go completely unmentioned again in the next half of the debate.

[Editors note: TheAlyonaShow is the twitter handle of a host of a show on RT, a cable news station funded by the Russian government.]

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