DC Trawler

Occupy Our Homes: This is what decrepitude looks like

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Remember Occupy Our Homes? That was the brilliant plan cooked up by your moral, ethical, and intellectual superiors in the Occupy movement. They “occupied” an empty home in Brooklyn that had been foreclosed on by nefarious banksters, fixed it up, and let a homeless family move in.

And they all lived happily ever after. Yay!

…What’s that? Oh. Um. Er.

Yeah, see, there’s just one problem. The owner of the house, Wise Ahadzi, couldn’t make the mortgage payments and had to move out in 2009, but he was still negotiating with the bank to get it back. When the Occupiers pulled this publicity stunt back in December, they assured Ahadzi they’d make things right with him.

How’d they do?

NY Post:

Last week, Wise Ahadzi opened the door to the house he still owns, 702 Vermont Street in East New York.

Inside is a war zone. The walls are torn down, the plumbing is ripped out and the carpeting has been plucked from the floor. It’s like walking through a ribcage.

Garbage, open food containers and Ahadzi’s possessions are tossed haphazardly around the house.

“This is where my kitchen was,” Ahadzi says. There is no sink, no refrigerator and no counter space. Instead there are dirty dishes piled high waiting for a dip in three large buckets of putrid water that serve as the dishwashing system…

Ahadzi thought about calling the police, until the embarrassed Occupy movement promised him that they’d repair the house and leave.

Two weeks have already gone by since without any progress. Occupy hasn’t even offered to pay him for the damages.

Well, why would they? They got what they needed out of him. They got their big day with cameras and a cheering crowd. And now the only ones who care are those right-wing fascists at the NY Post and a few similarly evil bloggers.

You can see more pictures here. The whole place is a disaster, stripped to the bare brick, full of squatters and filth. As for the honest, hardworking guy who’s been doing his best to get his house back? All he can do now is stumble through the wreckage left by his friends in Occupy.

Consider it a preview.

P.S. Jazz Shaw at Hot Air: “This really looks like a fitting legacy to a ‘movement’ which never had any leadership, never identified the goals it sought to achieve and attracted some of the worst elements imaginable.”

P.P.S. More from the Post on Ahadzi, a single father of two. And it turns out that the guy who the Occupiers moved in, Alfredo Carrasquillo, isn’t even staying there. The whole thing was a fraud from the start. It was never about helping people. It was about getting some glowing news coverage. Now that they’ve gotten it, they couldn’t care less what happens to this guy.