Slapping Barrett for conceding too soon: Another sign of #war

Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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Civility be damned! — the one thing grassroots activists on both sides of the aisle seem to demand these days is toughness.

This, after all, is #war.

Maybe that’s why this video of a liberal slapping Tom Barrett for conceding too soon reminded me of … General Patton, who slapped a soldier at a hospital. Patton, it turns out, believed the solider

was malingering. Screaming that the man was “a goddamned coward” and a “yellow son of a bitch,” Patton declared that, “I won’t have these brave men here who have been shot seeing a yellow bastard sitting here crying.” Patton then pulled his pistol and shoving it in the terrified soldier’s face, slapped the soldier and ordered the hospital commander to “get that man out of here right away. I won’t have these boys seeing such a bastard babied.” Patton then went directly to the II Corps command post and recounted the incident to the corps commander, Maj. Gen. Omar N. Bradley.

It could have been worse; the woman could have glitter bombed him, too.

(If you’re wondering about the trend whereby politicians like Joe Miller and Michele Bachmann have overly-aggressive security, this is your answer…)

Matt K. Lewis