
Obama campaign uses company with operations in India and China to book travel

Alex Pappas Political Reporter
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A new ad from President Obama’s re-election campaign calls Mitt Romney “Outsourcer-in-Chief,” accusing the former businessman and presumptive Republican presidential nominee of overseeing companies that shipped jobs to China and India while leading Bain Capital.

But while Obama tries to hit Romney on this issue, records show that Obama’s campaign is using a travel booking company this year that have operations in India and China.

Federal Election Commission reports show that Obama for America made numerous payments to the corporate travel company Egencia as recently as May. They were made to Egencia’s Bellevue, Washington office.

Egencia is a corporate travel division of the online travel company Expedia and, according to its website, has call center operations “around the world.”

“Our customer service team consists of hundreds of travel consultants around the world dedicated to superior service and value to your travelers,” the company says.

“Egencia is active in the Asia-Pacific region,” Egencia president Rob Greyber told the Investor’s Business Daily in 2009. “We have operations in both China and India as well as Australia.”

The company’s website shows that it has jobs openings for software development, engineering and analytics work for its office in Gurgaon, India.

Egencia, at one point, contracted with a company to handle calls at a center in Pensacola, Fla. But the Pensacola News Journal reported in 2011 that the company Tata Business Support Services closed and laid off all of its 180 employees.

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