DC Trawler

Cookies are gay

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Hey, that’s not me saying so. Talk to Kraft Foods. Caroline May reports:

NTTAWWTKraft Foods set off a firestorm after posting a gay pride rainbow-filled OREO cookie on its Facebook page Monday with the caption “Proudly support love!”

By Tuesday afternoon over 170,000 Facebook users had “liked” the page and the post was inundated with thousands of pro- and anti-rainbow cookie statements.

Kraft spokesman Basil T. Maglaris told The Daily Caller that the rainbow cookie is not planned for sale, but meant as part of the snack’s 100th birthday celebration, “creating online content every day reflecting current events in a fun way using images of OREO cookies and milk.”

“In recognition of Pride Month, OREO created an ad depicting the Rainbow flag with different colors of OREO crème,” Maglaris said in an email to TheDC. “We are excited to illustrate what is making history today in a fun and playful way. You can follow OREO on Facebook to see the newest image each day.”

That sounds like a lot of fun. I just did that.

This is great news for the LGBT community. Kraft Foods will sell anyone cookies, even if they’re gay! Your move, Keebler elves. Or should I say… Keebler bigots??

This presents a dilemma for the Obama administration, though. They need the gay vote, but cookies are bad unless Michelle is eating them. What to do? Is Obama pro-rainbow cookies or anti-rainbow cookies? Maybe he’ll hem and haw about it until the screaming from gay-rights groups reaches a crescendo, and then he’ll announce that his opinion on the matter has “evolved.” They always fall for that one!