DC Trawler

Rielle Hunter is as good at selling books as she is at healing marriages

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I won’t go so far as to say this restores my faith in humanity. But it doesn’t hurt. Page Six:

Rielle Hunter has gone quiet after less than hoped-for sales of her memoir — she’s scheduled no additional tour dates to promote her tell-all about her relationship with John Edwards, “What Really Happened.” After a serious media blitz, which included interviews with ABC’s Chris Cuomo and appearances on “The View” and “Piers Morgan Tonight,” Hunter, the mother of Edwards’ daughter, Quinn, has sold 6,000 copies of her story, Bookscan told Page Six — enough to crack the New York Times best-seller list but “not big enough to make the major New York houses sorry” for not choosing it, Publishers Weekly said.

6,000? That’s even worse than The Fox Effect!

Four years ago, Rielle Hunter became news even though she didn’t want to be. Now she wants to be news, but nobody cares. Oh well, guess she’ll have to find some other way to pay the bills.

Just kidding!

The kid has her daddy’s eyes. And her mommy’s meal ticket.