DC Trawler

Happy Starbucks Appreciation Day or whatever!

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The fast-food social-issues war rages on. Last Wednesday there was Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, which was a huge success and led to record sales. (And at least one dude getting fired for picking an unfortunate method of dissent.) And in response, last Friday there was supposed to be a People-of-the-Same-Gender-Kissing-Each-Other Day at Chick-fil-A, but it ended up attracting more media than protesters.

Well, damn it. How else are liberals in good standing supposed to prove that people who disagree with them about gay marriage are evil bigots who are bigoted and evil? How are they supposed to express their righteous indignation? How are they supposed to vent?

Wait. Vent… Venti… [snaps fingers] That’s it! The LA Times reports:

Gay marriage activists are planning to swarm Starbucks on Tuesday in an attempt to counter the record sales from last week’s Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.

The chicken chain enjoyed a surge of support during the Wednesday event, dreamed up by former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee after Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy went on the record backing the “biblical definition of the family unit.”

A follow-up protest from Chick-fil-A critics on Friday, which was dubbed Same Sex Kiss Day, was more subdued.

And by “more subdued,” they mean “completely ignored.”

Advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights are trying again Tuesday with National Marriage Equality Day, initiated by Equally Wed, a lesbian and gay wedding magazine. So far, nearly 28,000 people have signed up to attend.

Wow, that’s a lot! I’m going to go ahead and predict that National Marriage Equality Day is going to be very successful. And that somehow it’s going to “counter” the thing that happened last week that they didn’t like, via some process that has yet to be explained. I just figured it was called Supporting Businesses By Giving Them Your Money, which is pretty much how our society runs. I don’t get how that “counters” Chick-fil-A’s sales, but then, I’m a fascist hatemonger.

It’ll also be amusing to see if the people who dismissed the Chick-fil-A buycott will change their tune. Like this genius:

They usually do, Roger. It’s taken you long enough to realize it, but better late than never.

Okay, everybody. Go to Starbucks to stop the hate! Or, y’know, just to get your fix because you’re an abject caffeine addict. Either one will work.

P.S. You might decide to fight back by, oh, let’s say asking for a free water and telling the clerk what you think about Starbucks’ policies. If you do that, try to be nice.

P.P.S. Speaking of fascist hatemongers, how ’bout that Labash?