DC Trawler

Leonardo’s deceitful, yo

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We already know celebrities are complete hypocrites when it comes to guns. But what about that other deadly menace: global warming?

Few movie stars have done more to draw attention to themselves pretending to care about global warming than Leonardo DiCaprio. Hey, remember when he saved Knut the baby polar bear from drowning or whatever, and Annie Leibovitz just happened to wander by?

That was so awesome. Yay! And remember this?

Oh no. Save us, Leo!

Such is Mr. DiCaprio’s commitment to fighting global warming that he spent New Year’s Eve at home, with all the lights out, soberly contemplating mankind’s cruelty to Mother Earth.

Just kidding. Page Six:

Leo DiCaprio and his “Wolf of Wall Street” co-star Jonah Hill racked up some impressive air miles for their New Year’s celebrations — cheering in the New Year in both Sydney and Vegas. The actors were spotted partying on a boat with a group of attractive bikini-clad women while cruising Sydney Harbor on Saturday. The pair flew from Australia to Vegas on a chartered 747 along with stars including Jamie Foxx, Kevin Connolly and Leo’s latest love, Margot Robbie. A source tells us, “They partied at Marquee Star Lounge Sydney and left at 1 a.m. Australia time, flew 13 hours to Vegas, arriving at 10 p.m. to Vegas, and went to Lavo to watch the fireworks.” Leo and his crew later partied at Marquee until the early hours.

See? He only spent 13 hours on a private jet. That’s 11 hours he wasn’t on a private jet. You’re welcome, Gaia!

As Glenn Reynolds says: I’ll believe there’s a crisis when the people who tell us there’s a crisis start acting like there’s a crisis. Maybe next year?

(Hat tip: JWF)