DC Trawler

The Five beat up on Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher (even Beckel!)

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In case you missed it, during Tuesday’s White House press briefing, intrepid journalist Tommy Christopher bravely asked Jay Carney this tough, probing question:

Way to hold Carney’s feet to the fire, Tommy. See how he winced there? That’s what happens when speak truth to power!

Jeff Poor called it the “dumbest question in the history of White House press briefings,” but I respectfully disagree. It was the dumbest question in the history of questions.

Well, The Five had some fun with poor Tommy yesterday:

Damn. You gonna take that, Tommy? Bob Beckel just called you a crazy ass[BLEEP]. You need to challenge him to meet you out by the bike racks after school.

Glenn Beck also had a good time mocking that hapless lickspittle, but I can’t seem to embed the video. Check it out at The Blaze.

Good work, Tommy. Maybe you’ll be Carney’s successor! And you’ll never have to worry about your health again, because:

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Jim Treacher