DC Trawler

Life imitates The Onion once again: Obama is bummed

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Sure, millions of Americans face physical and financial ruin because of Obamacare. But the important question is: What’s it doing to poor King Barry?

Neil Munro reports:

Morose Obama asks his base for psychological intervention

A downbeat President Barack Obama repeatedly asked his worried supporters Monday night to help resurrect his spirits, following weeks of political disasters and personal humiliations caused by the cascading collapse of Obamacare. The distracted president railed against opponents and at one point appeared to forget the number of people in the Obamacare system during the rambling quarter-hour address.

“My main message is I’m going to need your help, your energy, your faith, your ability to reach out to neighbors, kids and friends [and] co-workers,” he told listeners to the Internet broadcast arranged by his grassroots group, Organizing for Action…

The broadcast was audio-only, and conducted after the evening news. That media strategy will likely minimize TV coverage of his speech and despondent mood, while still allowing him to reach his political base.

Cue the world’s smallest violin.

The Onion called this one years ago:

White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase

Schadenfreude is no substitute for sane, honest, competent leadership. But at this point it’s about all we have left. Obama and his enablers got what they wanted. Now they’re choking on it. We told them this would happen, and not only did they dismiss us, they called us every name in the book. We tried to save them from themselves, and they demonized us. So if we can’t stop them from taking us all down with them, at least we can point and laugh at their comeuppance.

Have you considered changing your name again, President Obama? At this point, it couldn’t possibly hurt.