
From rehab, with love: James Bond is an alcoholic

Sarah Hofmann Contributor
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A new study in the British Medical Journal took a look at the drinking habits of the world’s most debonair spy and found that he is, in fact, an alcoholic.

Everyone’s favorite martini aficionado, James Bond, on average, drank 46 drinks a week.

The Christmas edition of the Journal is traditionally lighthearted, so this year researchers turned their focus to 007. They went through all 14 books in the Bond series and recorded every time the agent was described as having a drink, Fox News reports.

On average, the spy had 92 “units of alcohol,” although it’s important to note that a pint of beer or recognized single serving of wine includes two units. The most he had in one day topped out at 49.8 units, or about 25 standard drinks.

The researchers pointed out that this level of alcohol consumption would make him unable to do most of his technically skilled spy tasks. Although Bond was described as being the best shot in the secret service, one researcher thought that was hogwash.

“People who drink at this level are severely functionally inhibited and unless this refers to shots of various spirits,” The researcher said. “This assertion is likely to be pure fantasy.”

So his license to kill seems to extend only to his liver.

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Tags : james bond
Sarah Hofmann