
The young and the screwed

Salvator La Mastra Author, 'Twentysomethings: A Young Voter's Guide to the 2012 Elections'
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Young Americans have been screwed ever since President Obama and his cohort of Democrats stormed the White House and ushered in a lifetime of liberal policies that have consistently screwed the next generation of Americans.

Youth unemployment is now hovering around 16 percent and those lucky enough to find a job are working minimum wage, part-time jobs with little upward mobility. Young adults are saying goodbye to careers and jumping from temporary part-time job to temporary part-time job just to keep up with bills. Add to this the highest amount of student loan debt in history, and you have around $25,000 of debt hanging around the neck of your average recent college graduate.

Outstanding student loan debt as of today amounts to over $1 trillion, but the government, a.k.a. taxpayers, worries little about repayment because the government has given these student loan departments and institutions broad collection authority, greater than that of credit card lenders. Debt acquired through student loans cannot be shed in bankruptcy. No matter what happens, there is virtually no way to get out of paying back student loans. This has a dramatic effect on students who are unable to find a job out of college, and those who spend a great deal of time repaying their student loans may end up delaying major life events like marriage and buying a home

To top all this off the president and his party have added Obamacare, which does nothing but continue to diminish young Americans’ hopes of achieving the American dream. They were promised more access to care, lower premiums, and more government oversight. In 2013 they are getting less access to care since they are not allowed to keep their doctors, and skyrocketing premiums because Obama forget to tell them that they would be paying for the country’s healthcare needs.

Sadly, it is impossible to throw all the blame for the future downward spiral of the American youth solely on Democrats. Republicans in congress have agreed to soft-pedal dealing with America’s debt problem. The bipartisan budget deal between Rep. Ryan and Senator Murray is just the next step those in Washington D.C. have taken to ensure the destruction of the next generation of Americans.

It is deeply saddening that Rep. Ryan, who has been a favorite of fiscal conservatives, has capitulated to one of the most liberal senators and agreed upon a budget that actually raises the debt we owe to foreign powers. We had thought when the Republicans stood up to Democrat bullies and shut down the government a few months ago, they would be emboldened to take a strong stance on budgetary issues.

This budget is nothing but a middle finger to Americans, specifically young Americans who will be responsible for repaying this unsustainable debt. This ridiculous budget adds $70 billion to spending this year and next year and then they have the audacity to tell the American people that the money will be saved in 2022 and 2023. If this isn’t kicking the can down the road, what is?

During the Clinton administration the U.S. spent $400 billion on defense, but Rep. Ryan and his Gal Pal Senator Murray seem to think the Defense Department needs double that. Why? Are not the Bush wars over and done with, are not Americans constantly lectured by the Obama Administration that the U.S. is no longer the world’s policeman, or is it that the Obama Administration plans on giving billions of dollars in war planes and tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood again? I completely understand Senator Murray and her fellow Democrats’ support for the bill but House Republicans like Rep. Ryan and the Speaker coming out in support of this budget is nothing more than playing beltway politics and forgetting the young Americans they represent back home, who will be paying for their cowardice.

Young Americans, the next generation of leaders, are being consistently screwed by a president and Democratic Senate who were elected based on the promise of a better future. Their slogan of “Win The Future” has left many young Americans uttering the acronym; WTF. Obamacare has put Republicans in striking distance of the youth vote but supporting this budget, which harms their futures, puts them right back where they started.