DC Trawler

Bright side: At least Obama’s fake interpreter hasn’t burned anybody alive recently

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I’m starting to wonder if they’re called the Secret Service because any service they provide is indetectable to the public.


The bogus sign language interpreter at last week’s Nelson Mandela memorial service was among a group of people who accosted two men found with a stolen television and burned them to death by setting fire to tires placed around their necks, one of the interpreter’s cousins and three of his friends told The Associated Press Monday.

But Thamsanqa Jantjie never went to trial for the 2003 killings when other suspects did in 2006 because authorities determined he was not mentally fit to stand trial, said the four…

Instead of standing trial, Jantjie was institutionalized for a period of longer than a year, the four said, and then returned to live in his poor township neighborhood on the outskirts of Soweto. At some point after that, they said, he started getting jobs doing sign language interpretation at events for the governing African National Congress Party.

And yet, in all that time, nobody ever noticed he was just flapping his hands around like a third-base coach in the grips of delirium tremens.

This is pretty scary stuff. Here we have a guy with no qualifications and a shady past, standing in front of the whole world, just babbling a bunch of nonsense and getting away with it.

Plus, there was a fake interpreter who once burned a dude alive!

(Hat tip: JWF)

Update: Here’s SNL’s take on it this weekend. You can tell it’s a comedy sketch because Obama notices what’s going on around him, and the Secret Service guys actually do their jobs.

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Jim Treacher