DC Trawler

Satanists successfully troll entire state of Oklahoma

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Say what you want about the tenets of Satanism, dude. At least it’s an ethos!

Cheryl K. Chumley, Washington Times:

Members of the Satanic Temple have unveiled their design for a 7-foot-tall statue of the devil they want to locate at the Capitol building in Oklahoma, right next to a monument of the Ten Commandments that has stood since 2012…

“The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond,” said Lucien Greaves, a spokesman for the group, in a statement reported by the AP. “The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation.”

The group is based in New York, but says it’s not fair for Oklahoma lawmakers to let a Ten Commandments statue stand at the building, without also allowing monuments that reflect other spiritual beliefs, The Associated Press reported.

Of course, Mr. Greaves* (AKA Doug Mesner) doesn’t really expect any such statue to be built. He’s just being a pest, as is his right as an American. And it’s producing exactly the intended effect:

“I think you’ve got to remember where you are,” said Rep. Don Armes, in the AP report. “This is Oklahoma, the middle of the heartland. I think we need to be tolerant of people who think different than us, but this is Oklahoma and that’s not going to fly here.”

And neither is the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or any of the rest of it. That’s not the point. The point is to elicit reactions just like this. It’s all just a big “F*** you, Dad!” to the rest of America. It’s “Goth Talk.” It’s harmless enough.

Here’s a montage those delightful devil-worshippers put together. Love the music!


The whole thing is about as scary as a rubber spider dangling in front of some polyester cobwebs from Walmart. Let ’em have their fun. They’re not hurting anybody.

*Hope everything is alright!

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Jim Treacher