The Mirror

Mika Brzezinksi vows to stay off Twitter today

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Burned to a crisp from all the sharp words she’s endured on journalism’s favorite medium, MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinksi has sworn off Twitter for today. Also on today’s program: she admitted she’s addicted to sugar, something she has explained before in conjunction with her book, Obsessed.

“So don’t bother,” she snapped at her detractors this morning in several moments of anticipatory irritation as she explained what has been her steady defense of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

After Christie’s initial whopper of a two-hour presser, Brzezinksi shared on air about her 15 minute conversation with the governor and how “sad” he was. The show has generally given Christie the benefit of the doubt at every twist and turn of this story.

The full context of this morning’s sentiments:

“All weekend long – I’m not even going to look at Twitter today so today so don’t bother – I’m not defending Chris Christie. I think this whole thing looks bad. I think it will be very interesting to see what comes out and I don’t know what will come out. But we don’t have what everyone thinks they have right now. I get it, OK? So stop shooting me on the Internet. I’m not defending him, OK? Calm down. … I’m not defending him. I think it looks terrible, horrific actually.”

OKAY then.