DC Trawler

Meredith Vieira says she “fell in a toilet”

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I don’t make a habit of dwelling on the existence of Meredith Vieira, but for the first time in her life, she’s said something that intrigues me.

This is frustratingly vague. Did she slip and fall on the floor somewhere in the vicinity of a toilet? Did she actually fall into a shoddily constructed Sochi toilet while sitting on it? Did she mistype and forget the word “asleep”?

Nothing that interesting:

Now she knows what her ratings feel like. But I hope her back is feeling better.

What is it about NBC employees sharing with us the details of their bodily functions? “Al Roker once crapped his pants in the White House” is something we’ve learned and cannot unlearn. I’ve tried to set an example by not watching them, but there’s no handle I can push to make them go away. Mocking them doesn’t work, because if they had any shame, we’d have no idea who they are.

Oh well. At least I can get a couple hundred words out of it. And isn’t that really what’s important? Don’t answer that.

(Hat tip: The Wire)

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Jim Treacher