
Cooking up Amnesty Today?

Mickey Kaus Columnist
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It’s all about amnesty: As my colleague Neil Munro reports, President Obama and House Speaker Boehner are scheduled to meet this morning (Tuesday). Immigration is apparently on the agenda. Will they be trying to figure out a way to pass an illegal-immigrant-legalization bill, something they both favor?  Will Howie Kurtz have Lauren Ashburn on his show this week? …

P.S.: Phone calls from amnesty-skeptics to House offices have already had an effect, stiffening the backbone of the GOP caucus and helping cause Boehner to seemingly postpone attempting to bring a legalization bill to the House floor. This would be an opportune time to call again, just to stay in touch and let the GOP leaders know what you think . The Capitol switchboard is still 202 224 3121, Ask for the Speaker’s office or other GOP leadership offices (numbers at bottom of this post) …

Mickey Kaus