The Mirror

Morning Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Standout lede: “Imagine the uproar if a stray bullet had hit the panda.” — WaPo columnist Courtland Milloy wondering what would’ve happened if the incident at the National Zoo this week involved a panda instead of two black people.  Full story. How he promo-ed the story on Twitter: “A friendly reminder: do not throw oreos at the pandas the next time you go to the zoo.”

So far so good: no cancer 

“Been a while since I updated health blog, but did tonight. Back and life. Scans show Cancer still gone.” — DCCC’s Jesse Ferguson.

Update on the cocaine congressman 

“Trey Radel pled guilty to cocaine possession 11/20, resigned 1/27. After today’s primaries, will be replaced in late June.” — Kyle Trygstad, associate politics editor at Roll Call.

AOL hell

“Large # of folks I know w aol accounts are “sending” me spam links this week. What’s up that? It’s just coming via aol.” — Garance Franke-Ruta, Washington editor, Yahoo! News.

HuffPost = Buffoon? 

“My phone just auto corrected ‘Huffpo Live’ to ‘buffoon life.'” — Jezebel‘s Erin Gloria Ryan.

Snarky memory 

“In elementary school, classmate made a snarky remark about Nixon when he died. Was reprimanded by my teacher for disrespect. Lasting memory.” — Mediaite‘s Noah Rothman.

Meet the grammar police

“Grammatically incorrect TV drives me nuts. Does no one acting or writing scripts ever stop and say ‘hey, that isn’t proper English?'” — John Aravosis, democratic political journalist and editor of Americablog.

D.C. journo has high hopes for visit to NYC 

“Here’s hoping Manhattan embraces me with a warm hug when I visit tomorrow…or throw speed walkers and screaming traffic at me. Either/or.” — TheBlazeT. Becket Adams.

Now this is serious dedication:  “The stage of reporting where you realize you’ve chewed two of your fingernails.” — Spencer Ackerman, U.S. national security editor, the Guardian

The Observer

“Oh good now Vox is trans-plaining RuPaul to the internet. And their self-hating gay writer, Brandon Ambrosino, is nowhere to be found.” — communications employee Joshua Foust. The VM story is about how RuPaul has “fallen out of favor” with trans people — mostly for the incredible crime of using of the word “she-male” in a show last month. Ru also has no problem with the word “tranny.”


Ugh: Even Cenk thinks Gregory’s a goner 

“Dude, read the writing on the wall, you’re a goner,” — TV host Cenk Uygur, who was fired from MSNBC in 2011 on NBC “MTP” host David Gregory in a story in MediaiteRead the full story.

Pressing questions 

“Today in ‘Genius or Crazy?’: Vegetable-flavored ice cream. Would you ever try it?” — Glamour Magazine.