
Classy Guy Asks Anchor Out On Live TV At Scene of Wildfire [VIDEO]

Rachel Stoltzfoos Staff Reporter
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This exchange between a news anchor at the scene of a wildfire and an unaffected shirtless guy is awesome. After asking her out, the guy says the fire is cool and then the anchor starts talking about tornadoes.

Courtney Friel is on the scene of a massive wildfire outside Los Angeles Wednesday interviewing people, when she encounters a shirtless man carrying a dog. “Do you live here?” she asks.

Completely unfazed by either the question or the massive fire behind him, he gets right to the point: “Yeah. Wow you’re super pretty, you want to go on a date sometime?”

The anchor ignores him and repeats the question: “We are live right now on KTLA, actually, [dumbass], um, do you live in one of these houses, are you evacuating?”

He says he lives down the street and is checking out the fire. “It’s pretty cool,” he says, unwittingly blowing up the whole dramatic-fire-people-are-scared angle Liel’s apparently looking for.

Best way to put this encounter behind her and get back on track? Compare the fire to a tornado!

“Well … All I know is, we’ve been talking to several people coming out of here, and they are really scared,” she says. “I mean, just looking at the fire it — the, it lights up at times, and it gets really dark, almost like a tornado. That’s the best way to describe it. It really seems like that is what it would be, um.”


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