DC Trawler

Laws Are for the Little People, Not Scofflaw Gun Criminal David Gregory

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Diamonds and guns, diamonds and guns…

The Reliable Source, WaPo, May 9:

Hey, isn’t that… “Meet the Press” host David Gregory, illegally parking his dark-colored SUV on Connecticut Avenue, Thursday afternoon?

Our tipster spotted the NBC newsman — on an important mission that apparently couldn’t be slowed down by fear of the city’s lightning-fast meter-checkers — hopping out of the car and hustling to the Tiny Jewel Box, the upscale bauble shop. An NBC spokeswoman confirms that Gregory did park illegally, but says he did so only briefly to check whether the shop was open.

That’s what they all say. Unfortunately, most of them don’t have their own Sunday-morning shows where they push the Democratic Party line week after week, so they’re obliged to follow the same laws as the rest of us.

This is of course a minor transgression, as these things go. Especially among the journalist class (whose bylines of brutality have been exposed so ably by the great David Burge here). But how perfect is it that this One-Percenter flouted the law, yet again, in front of a tony jewelry shop plopped right in the middle of Tax Toilet, USA?

David Gregory should’ve gone to jail for breaking DC’s gun laws, just like anybody else would have. But he didn’t, and he won’t, because he’s utterly corrupt.

But take heart, lovers of justice: At least nobody likes him and his ratings are abominable. It’s like getting Al Capone for tax evasion. It’s not what he deserves, not by a damn sight, but it’s something.

(Hat tip: Tim Graham)


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Jim Treacher