
Obama Does A Good Deed [VIDEO]

Rachel Stoltzfoos Staff Reporter
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The White House wants you to know the President decided to walk to the Secretary of the Interior Wednesday instead of driving, and on the way he surprised “all sorts of people” with a meet and greet. Footage of the walk was posted to The White House blog Thursday, and an email was blasted Friday to make sure no one missed it.

From the YouTube description:

“The President was heading over to the nearby Department of the Interior and decided to break with tradition and take a Springtime walk. On the way, he got a chance to meet with all sorts of folks, who weren’t expecting to meet the President of the United States of America.”

In the video, Obama strolls along with his jacket swung over his shoulder. “The bear is loose,” he announces for some reason.

Reactions vary. One woman acts like a teenager meeting Justin Bieber for the first time, while others play it cool. It’s unclear whether the bros who spot him from a distance are mocking him or just being patriotic, when they start cheering and one guy shouts: “America. Freedom. Peace. Hope and charity.”

Another group of bystanders do not look thrilled to have their day interrupted. “Hi guys,” Obama says from a distance. “Sorry to hold you up for going — you’re trying to go home and here I am messing you up.” He apparently gets no response because the camera stays on him. “Drew I’m trying to stay loose man,” he says rather awkwardly and then does a cool fist pump.


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