The Mirror

Richmond Times-Dispatch Surprisingly Thin on Cantor Stories

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Southerners are known for being slow, but what the hell, Richmond-Times Dispatch?

You have the biggest campaign upset of the year, House Maj. Leader Eric Cantor lives in Richmond and you have one lead story that’s basically devoid of any interesting information even though this is your neck of the woods?

The main story: “David Brat stuns House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in GOP primary.” The only person quoted in the story is a University of Virginia political science prof (who, by the way, is quoted in nearly every political story out there) Larry Sabato. “I’m as stunned as anybody,” Sabato told them.

Stunned is the right word for this meager coverage.

The picture accompanying the Richmond Times-Dispatch story (shown above) looks like Cantor has entered a carnival with fun house mirrors.

Secondary story: “Two signs of GOP discord presaged toppling of Cantor.” Number of people quoted in this story: Zero.

Third-tier story: Precinct by precinct results which consists of 10 charts.

And they have the concession speeches.

All this is news that could’ve appeared in, say, a Hawaiian newspaper?

Hardly seems befitting of today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch. Things can only improve as the day goes on and the editorial staff ambles into the office.