
BYOBC: Bring Your Own Birth Control

Katie Frates Editor-in-chief of The Daily Walkthrough
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The Supreme Court’s most recent ruling has sparked outrage from across the liberal spectrum, with women like Sandra Fluke and former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denouncing the decision as a step back for women’s rights. (RELATED: Megan Kelly Takes On Sandra Fluke).

The  Court’s 5-4 ruling for Hobby Lobby on Monday protected religious freedom for the owners of private corporations by saying that they are not required to provide contraceptives for their employees.

Now even Huffington Post has decided to weigh in. It published an article on Tuesday which includes a collection of responses from women who seem to have no idea what the court’s decision actually means, but they sure are upset.

As a fellow woman, I feel it is my duty to step in and add yet another voice to the conversation. Below, I will provide helpful advice to my confused counterparts.

Sarah, 29, Maryland

“I started using the birth control pill when I was 17. I had a boyfriend and thought we were ready for all that stuff, but I didn’t want babies. I’m from a really small town and knew education was the only way to get out, so I wanted to go to college, get my PhD, and I knew having a baby would slow that down.

My husband and I stopped using birth control in 2011 and had a baby in 2012, and now I’m back on the pill because I don’t want anymore kids [laughs]. I have a lot of friends who went off birth control after having a kid and now they’ve got two, three, four, five kids — and while that’s okay for them, that’s not what I wanted to do. One kid is plenty! I’ve still got time to dedicate to him, and to my career.”

Dear Sarah,

Your motivation to better your life and make smart decisions about “all that stuff” is inspiring. You are a model for basic common sense. It’s great that you are able to handle a child, career AND husband, feminists know I couldn’t. However, I’m not sure why you are upset about the Hobby Lobby ruling. You were able to obtain birth control without financial difficulty (considering you didn’t mention it) and you apparently don’t feel like anyone infringed upon your ability to do so. If anything, you sound like the perfect role model. Seize your own independence instead of relying on your boss, you independent woman, you!

Channing, 28, Kentucky

“I don’t take birth control to prevent myself from getting pregnant — as a matter of fact, I don’t have sex. I take it because I have polycystic ovarian syndrome. I have very irregular periods, sometimes they’re very heavy and I have male-pattern facial hair growth because of that, and I take the pill for the hormones, which help regulate that. It makes my symptoms much lighter, and it makes me not have a goatee, like a man.

Before I had insurance, it was $130 a month for the pill, so it was a huge issue: Do I live with these symptoms and put up with it, or do I not make my rent this month so I can live a normal life? Now, I have health insurance through an Obamacare plan and it costs me $4 a month.”

Dear Channing,

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is no fun, and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. But why in the world were you paying $130 for birth control? There are over 100 different types of birth control pills, not including vaginal rings, diaphragms, IUD’s, female condoms, patches and implants. PCOS can be treated with low-dose combination pills like Aviane, which can be purchased for $30 uninsured. Perhaps you just have expensive taste? Before you complain, look at some more budget friendly options that fit your healthcare needs.

Katie, 26, Maine

“I got married when I was 18 and didn’t start taking birth control until after [my husband and I] had our daughter. Even with insurance, I could barely afford it — it was about 30 dollars a month, which was still kind of out of my price range. Then I realized I could go to Planned Parenthood where, due to my income at the time, I qualified for free birth control, which was very important to me, because I then went through a divorce and couldn’t really afford to pay for birth control. I’ve been relying on them since then to provide me with birth control. I still don’t have health insurance.

Since my relationship with my husband ended, I haven’t wanted more kids. I’ve wanted time to focus on [my daughter] and going back to school and furthering my career. Not being worried about having another child before I’m ready has given me a chance to focus on my goals and dreams and what I want to accomplish.”

Dear Katie,

From one Katie to another, thank you. You have pointed out the one thing that every woman with her ovaries in a twist seems to be ignoring. Planned Parenthood will provide low- to no-cost birth control based on your income. WHAT? Let me repeat that. Planned Parenthood, a government-funded organization, provides free or low-cost birth control. Merry Christmas, everyone.