The Mirror

Twitter Narcissus: NYT’s Josh Barro Is Really ‘Crushing It’ (According to Josh Barro)

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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NYT Josh Barro is really doing a bang up job these days.

(Forget his references. All you have to do is ask Josh Barro.)

Up Against The Clock is a quiz show on MSNBC. He competed against fellow contestants BuzzFeed Washington Bureau Chief John Stanton and political strategist L. Joy Williams. The host was Steve Kornacki.

twitter_narcissus_capitol_pink_owlBarro answered fairly easy ass questions about Ebola, lawmakers, odd details about political races, the incredibly annoying ice bucket challenge and more.

Not to brag? Perhaps a little late for that. (Although if you watch the show, he did get off to a “furiously” good start.” And he was crowned the winner with 2900 points.)

Barro won this prize package: A DVD copy of the movie Cocoon @: The Return, a gold coffee cup with his name engraved on it with a Sharpie, a $50 meal at a New York City food cart.

Watch how well Barro did here.

UPDATE/Correction:  In the bonus round, Barro sadly screwed up, hence losing the free meal card. “There’s an error in your post: I got the bonus question wrong and so, alas, I did not win the Kwik Meal gift card,” he wrote on Twitter at 4:33 p.m.. By 4:34 p.m., his obnoxious friend Matt S. Fernandez (whose bio says he works at Wells Fargo) added that Barro did not win the gift card (apparently the genius didn’t notice Barro’s tweet).