The Mirror

Goldie Taylor Is Out At MSNBC

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Interns at Mediaite can breathe a big sigh of relief today. Gold Taylor, an MSNBC contributor, has announced she’s on the outs with the network. This morning she announced her departure, but did not indicate why she and the network are parting ways.

There was a decent outpouring of lamenting on Twitter regarding the news. Many said it was “MSNBC’s loss.” Some encouraged her, saying she’ll “land on her feet.”

But even she doesn’t know what’s next, making it sound pointedly that this was not of her choosing.

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Taylor’s wrath against Mediaite interns and anyone emptying wastebaskets at the Dan Abrams empire, brewed after the site published a story saying her buddy Chris Hayes appeared to be advocated for Ferguson police to arrest Darren Wilson, the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown.

Taylor’s loyalty toward her colleague was palpable.

At the time, Taylor, among the touchiest female tweeters in the industry, declared her undying defense of Hayes.

@chrislhayes I blocked them and every ‘reporter’ they have. Even the interns,” she wrote at the time.

But by far my favorite tweets from Taylor involve the exquisite blending of coconut, chocolate, almonds and overall online disgust.

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