DC Trawler

Scott Walker To Chuck Todd: ‘Hillary Clinton… Was The Big Loser On Tuesday’

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Chuck Todd certainly is a canny interviewer. Watch how he expertly traps Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker* with this gotcha question, leaving Walker no choice but to accurately and concisely point out the problems with Hillary Clinton’s 2016 bid:

“I do think, if we’re going to beat Hillary Clinton in this next election, we’ve got to have a message that says, ‘Hillary Clinton is all about Washington.’ I think, in many ways, she was the big loser on Tuesday because she embodies everything that’s wrong with Washington.”

That’s preposterous. Hillary Clinton is a hungry outsider with lots of new ideas! She wants to ride to our rescue and clean up the mess that she’s had absolutely nothing to do with for the past couple of decades.

And did you know she’s a grandmother now? That means she’s likable. Why do you hate Grandma, you teabaggers?

Hillary 2016: At Least She Doesn’t Have a Penis

(Hat tip: Norvell Rose)

*Who was reelected on Tuesday, in case you hadn’t heard. Despite the best efforts of our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left, he still beat Democrat Mary Burke by almost 6 points. HA HA HA HA HA!!

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Jim Treacher