
Rand Paul On Executive Amnesty: Obama Can’t ‘Defend The Indefensible’ [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Tuesday night on “The Kelly File” that he doesn’t understand how anyone could, “with a straight face,” defend President Barack Obama’s reversal on executive amnesty. (RELATED: Washington Post Fact Checker: Obama Flip-Flopped On Executive Amnesty)

“I don’t even know how you can, with a straight face, defend the indefensible. How do you defend against the president’s actual words twenty times saying he didn’t have the power?” he asked. (RELATED: GOP Senator: Executive Amnesty Would Be ‘Pulling The Pin’ Of A ‘Hand Grenade’ [VIDEO])

“The president went even so far as to say he’s not a king, he’s not an emperor, that he can’t do this,” Paul noted. “And now we have a complete about face and everyone’s going to say, ‘Oh, well, the president changed his mind.'”

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