DC Trawler

Brian Williams Has Memory Problems: He Keeps Forgetting To Stop Lying

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It must be nice to be deified by liberals. Once you reach that status, once you ascend to that height, your faithful minions will do anything to protect you. No matter how badly you screw up, no matter how egregious your lies, you can always count on the New York Times to watch your back.

Tara Parker-Pope, NYT:

How reliable is human memory? Most of us believe that our memory is like a video camera, capturing an accurate record that can be reviewed at a later date.

But the truth is our memories can deceive us — and they often do…

The fallibility and the malleability of the human memory is at the center of a national controversy involving Brian Williams, the “NBC Nightly News” anchor…

Mr. Williams has been branded a liar for embellishing his role in the event… But memory experts see the issue differently, noting that the well-documented story, told differently many times by Mr. Williams, actually offers a compelling case study in how memories can change and shift dramatically over time.

He didn’t lie. His memory just shifted. It shifted so much that it ended up in Candyland.

I don’t remember the NYT consulting any “memory experts” when Paul Ryan was branded a liar for claiming he’d run a marathon, 20 years before, in under 3 hours. They didn’t try to explain it away with capital-S Science. It was a huge scandal, and somehow it proved Ryan was a “liar.”

Yet serial liar Brian Williams is merely a victim of his own neurology, we’re told. His brain betrayed him, you guys. Leave him alone!

Our memories are better than those of NYT editors and anybody else who’s covering for this liar. We won’t forget this, the next time these hacks go after a Republican who makes a mistake. And they’ll go silent, because that’s what they do whenever you remind them of their hypocrisy.
