The Mirror

Chuck Todd Can’t Rise To Newsbusters’ High Standard Of Opinion Journalism (Eye Roll)

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Chuck Todd can’t seem to catch a break when he talks about the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

If the host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” suggests the scandal narrative has legs, that is largely ignored. But if he goes on his show, like he did Sunday, and suggests that the Clintons will float through the scandal as they have many times in the past, he’s demonized for being in the tank for Hillary.

Why can’t Chuck Todd have an opinion without Newsbusters shitting all over it as biased? I don’t mean to sound optimistic, but could this possibly be what he thinks? (Yes, his wife, Kristian Denny Todd, is a Democratic strategist. Yes, MSNBC is left-wing. These are old facts.)

Now let’s analyze what Todd said on his program and how Newsbusters’ brain processed it.

What he said: The email scandal “doesn’t really hurt that much with Democrats. With the Clintons, some of this stuff is built in with Democrats. They’ve had transparency issues for decades and it’s not something that has impacted their popularity over the years.”

How Newsbusters interpreted it: “On Sunday, Chuck Todd, moderator of Meet the Press, appeared on NBC’s Today to provide some political cover for Hillary Clinton following revelations that she used only a private email account while serving as Secretary of State.”

Really. Todd is providing “political cover” for Hillary Clinton?

What he said: On “Meet the Press” and in the days leading up to his Sunday program, Todd said the email debacle is going to be a  “thorn in her side” until November, 2016. Sounds like he thinks the scandal may cause her pain, you know, thorns. They’re painful, sharp. Pointy, even.

How Newsbusters interpreted it: Todd is “conceding” the above.  Newsbusters whines, “Nowhere in his analysis did he find it disturbing that the Clintons’ history of transparency problems was so easily accepted among Democrats. Instead, he did his best to promote the idea that among Democrats the email scandal was not so scandalous after all.”

“The State Department asked all secretaries of state to send their emails over, and she’s the only one who’s done it,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Sunday’s “Face the Nation.”

Seriously…so Todd wasn’t disturbed-sounding enough for Newsbusters? I hate to rain on their paranoia, but that is not his job. Why does he have to be disturbed by anything? And Todd didn’t actually “promote” the idea that the scandal isn’t such a scandal to Democrats. It’s called stating what’s happening while practicing a terrible crime known as journalism.

Before the weekend, Todd took to to report on the email scandal.

He said the email mess will not spark a real primary for Hillary, or hurt her in any significant way with Democrats. “If the Clintons are good at something, it’s getting out of a jam,” he wrote. Todd went on to say that Clinton is in a hell of lot of trouble with Republicans (think new congressional investigation) and a really pissed off press corps. “Here’s the thing about fishing expeditions,” he wrote. “You never know what you’re going to catch.”

But if you’re in Newsbusters blind world where everything is drenched in bias, Todd can’t possibly say what he thinks or what he’s learning by way of his reporting.

Must be a vast left-wing journalistic conspiracy.