DC Trawler

Hawkeye Called The Black Widow A Slut (Again!)

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It used to be that only nerds knew who The Avengers were. (Most people thought you were talking about some British spy show.) But now that they’re as mainstream as mainstream can be, everybody can join in the fun when one of the actors says something to infuriate feminists.

A few weeks ago, Chris Evans (Captain America, genetically enhanced super-soldier) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye, guy with a string on a stick) were being interviewed about Age of Ultron. The interviewer asked about the romantic entanglements between the Black Widow (Russian lady with two pistols and no accent) and the rest of the team.

That’s when Renner said this:

And the Internet did this:

Because feminists are so smart, so strong, and so independent that they regard an actor bro telling a dumb joke as an existential threat.

So Renner and Evans apologized, because they had a movie coming out, and that was that.

Until Renner decided to go on Conan last night and say, “C’mon, everybody. Really??

So now feminists, nerds, and feminist nerds are even angrier at him.

Fine. Groveling doesn’t work, because once you start, it’s never enough. Logic and reason don’t work, because it’s all about emotion. Nothing this guy ever says for the rest of his life is going to placate hardcore feminists. He’s made himself an enemy of the cause, so he must be destroyed.

So, the hell with ’em.

I do have to say, though, I’m disappointed that he keeps calling this fictional character — named after a spider that kills after it mates, by the way — a “slut.” What’s wrong with “trollop”? “Trollop” is a perfectly good word. Instead of slut-walks, third-wave feminists should go on trollop-traipses. Or maybe tramp-tramps? Get creative with it, girls.

You could also develop a sense of humor about yourselves and/or a thicker skin, but let’s be realistic here.

I don’t think anybody has asked Scarlett Johansson what she thinks about all this. But then, it doesn’t matter. She’s not an individual with thoughts and feelings of her own. She’s a feminist icon. She belongs to all women.

Sounds like a lot of fun.

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Jim Treacher