
Democratic National Committee Officially Labels Hillary Clinton ‘PROGRESSIVE’

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The Democratic National Committee is now openly touting Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential front-runner, as a progressive candidate.

The DNC blasted out the declaration in one of two May 30 fundraising emails — sent just hours apart — about former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the third Democrat to enter the 2016 presidential fray.

The second appeal for cash, entitled “Martin O’Malley,” trumpeted — in all capital letters — “MARTIN O’MALLEY IS IN…” and then “THESE TWO PROGRESSIVES ARE IN TOO…”

The highly-visual email then displayed images of Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders, the two Democratic presidential candidates who had already announced presidential bids.

DNC email screenshot

Next, with the ominous capitalized words “BUT SO ARE THEY,” the DNC warned email recipients that eight Republicans have also announced presidential bids.

The order in which the DNC presented photos of these eight Republicans — in black and white and surrounded by menacing red trim — is interesting.

Ben Carson, a retired surgeon who has never held an electoral office, is first, followed by Sen. Rand Paul.

Three-time candidate Mike Huckabee is third followed by Sen. Ted Cruz.

Sen. Marco Rubio is a lowly seventh, followed by former New York Gov. George Pataki.

DNC email screenshot IIThe meaning of progressivism remains nebulous among Democrats and on the left in a general. In nearly as many words as The Gettysburg Address, Sen. Elizabeth Warren explained the political philosophy at a 2014 Netroots Nation conference by presenting 11 tenets.

Warren’s tenets include significantly increased bureaucracy, vast education entitlement spending, increased subsidies for poor and elderly people, “equal pay for equal work,” government limitations on religious speech, increased immigration, planetary stewardship and of course, a minimum wage increase and strenuous Internet regulation, according to National Journal.

Alternatively, according to Dissident Voice, “a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice,” progressivism is a political umbrella which encompasses “environmentalism, labor, agrarianism, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice and political ideologies such as anarchism, communism, socialism, social democracy, and liberalism.”

Back in April, O’Malley jabbed Clinton for changing her positions on several issues in an apparent effort to better appeal to the progressives in her party. (RELATED: Martin O’Malley Takes Apparent Jab At Hillary For Pandering To Progressives)

“I believe that we are best as a party when we lead with our principles and not according to the polls,” O’Malley said about seven weeks ago. “And every election is about the future. And leadership is about making the right decision, and the best decision before sometimes it becomes entirely popular.”

For her second attempt at the presidency, Clinton has veered to the left on a host of issues including gay marriage and drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.

Follow Eric on TwitterLike Eric on Facebook. Special thanks to the Democratic National Committee for sending story tips to erico@dailycaller.com.