DC Trawler

If You’re White And You’re Not Ashamed Of It, Watch This

(screen shot source: youtube.com)

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It’s about time somebody took white people to task for the color of their skin, and filmmaker/illegal alien Jose Antonio Vargas is just the guy to do it. Here’s a trailer for his upcoming MTV show, imaginatively titled White People:

I’m not sure if this is a step up or down from MTV’s previous immigration-related programming:

Never mind. Vargas is a huge step down.

If your skin is lighter than somebody else’s, you need to check your privilege because you’re responsible for their problems. No matter how recently you were born, anything that any white person has ever done in the history of the world is your fault.

And if you don’t like it, you’re a racist. Shut up, racist.

Update: I really can’t argue with this.

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Jim Treacher