DC Trawler

Ice Age, Baby

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As we all know, you can win any argument with a teabagger by using a single word: “scientists.”

“Scientists say it’s happening. Scientists say you’re wrong. Why are you denying science, science-denier?” BOOM.

Keep that in mind as you ponder the Armageddon of the Week. Dan Hyde, The Telegraph (UK):

The earth is 15 years from a “mini ice-age” that will cause bitterly cold winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have predicted.

Solar researchers at the University of Northumbria have created a new model of the sun’s activity which they claim produces “unprecedentedly accurate predictions”.

They said fluid movements within the sun, which are thought to create 11-year cycles in the weather, will converge in such a way that temperatures will fall dramatically in the 2030s.

Scientists are saying this. Scientists. Are you a scientist? If not, you need to shut up.*

Of course, a lot of climate deniers are using this news to keep denying climate. They want us all to die of global warming before the planet even gets a chance to kill us with cold. They want to keep driving cars, and flying in planes, and using computers, and doing all that other climate-destroying stuff. Those peasants want to live like their betters. They think their lives are every bit as important as the lives of the elites. They don’t know their station, and they must be reminded at every opportunity.

Put a climate denier in his place today. Hurry, before your lips and fingers are too frostbitten to move.

*If you are a scientist and you disagree, you also need to shut up. That’s how it works. Some science is more equal than other science.