DC Trawler

Hillary Clinton Dances Her Troubles Away

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Before you watch this, I want to make it clear that I have no problem with Hillary Clinton enjoying herself now and then. If anyone needs to blow off some steam these days, it’s her. Running a presidential campaign would be stressful enough even if she wasn’t under criminal investigation by the FBI!*

I applaud her for dancing like nobody’s watching, and I thank her for this invaluable reminder that the Democrats are the party of youth, diversity, and utter, utter cool:

Her Ensure brings all the boys to the yard. And what a wistful musical selection. It should be her campaign theme: “I Wish.”

Plus, check out Bill! His enthusiasm fills up the whole room. Overheard, just moments before: “What’s your room number, darlin’? I’ll be up in a minute, first I gotta put in an appearance with the ol’ ball and chain…”

Shake that thang, Grandma. Shake what your donors gave ya!

*Yes. Yes, she is.