DC Trawler

SOMEBODY Really Wanted Mac & Cheese

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One of the benefits of being an old person is that cameraphones and social media didn’t exist when you were 19. None of the stupid things you did were captured for posterity. One bad evening with a headful of hooch and hormones didn’t follow you around for life.

Then again, if anybody is a worthy target of our 21st Century shame culture, it’s this little jerk. Associated Press:

A University of Connecticut student got into a confrontation with a campus food court manager who wouldn’t let him buy macaroni and cheese with bacon and jalapeño peppers, and was arrested.

An obscenity-laced video shows 19-year-old freshman Luke Gatti arguing with and shoving the manager on Sunday.


Note to young Mr. Gatti: If you’re that determined to get what you want, Kraft makes an easy-to-prepare mac & cheese. You can throw in as many nauseating ingredients as you want. And you don’t have to spend the night in the drunk tank!

Oh, and could everybody please learn how to hold a phone while recording video? It’s just a flick of the wrist, people. Thanks in advance, on behalf of bored voyeurs everywhere.

Update: UConn says young Mr. Gatti is still enrolled, but he was just seen packing up his car. Oh, and whatever that cafeteria manager is making, it’s not nearly enough. He handled it perfectly.

Apparently that mac & cheese is really quite tasty. Maybe not get-arrested-and-go-viral tasty, but…

Tags : college
Jim Treacher