
Obama Wants You To Refer To Juvenile Delinquents As ‘Justice-Involved Youth’ Now

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It’s time to update your politically-correct jargon, America, because the Obama administration is no longer referring to juvenile delinquents as “juvenile delinquents.”

Instead, the new, preferred and totally different term for kids who commit crimes is “justice-involved youth.”

Attorney General Loretta Lynch rolled out the term earlier this week in a press release obtained by the Media Research Center.

“The Department of Justice is committed to giving justice-involved youth the tools they need to become productive members of society,” Lynch explained.

The attorney general went on to explain that the Justice Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development will launch a new $1.7-million program to help legal aid services and public housing administrators “reduce barriers for justice-involved youth.”

The Obama administration hopes to help juvenile delinquents “rehabilitate and reintegrate back into their communities” once they have spent time behind bars in justice-involved youth detention.

Another goal is to ensure that minors with criminal histories will still have access to taxpayer money for public housing, college grants and jobs programs.

“This program specifically excludes those who are convicted of making methamphetamine drugs, sex offenses or domestic violence,” the attorney general’s press release noted.

During a stop in Newark, N.J., President Obama announced that both the federal government and federal contractors will stop using rap sheets as an excuse not to hire prospective employees.

“We can’t dismiss people out of hand simply because of a mistake that they made in the past,” the president declared, according to the Media Research Center.

“The ultimate goal is to make sure that folks are law-abiding, self-sufficient, good citizens,” Obama also said during a talk at Rutgers University–Newark. “And everything we do should be designed towards that goal. And if we’re doing a good job there, then crime will go down and it will stay down.” (RELATED: Report: Murders Up 20 Percent So Far This Year In New York City)

A Google search for “juvenile delinquent” retrieves about 429,000 results. A Google search for justice-involved youth” obtains some 20,200 results.

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