DC Trawler

Please Help Joss Whedon Kill Lots Of Helpless Babies

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Earlier this year, Marvel proved that more is less with Avengers: Age of Ultron. It had more of everything people loved in the first one, yet it still managed to be, in most aspects, vaguely disappointing.

And in at least one aspect, very specifically disappointing. Remember the Black Widow’s monologue about being sterilized as part of her training to be an assassin, and how bummed out she was about it? Remember how she said to Bruce Banner, who transforms into the Hulk whenever the plot demands it, “I guess you’re not the only monster on the team”? Remember how feminists yelled about it so much that they drove Joss Whedon off Twitter?



Joss certainly hasn’t forgotten, gals, and now he wants to make it up to you. Now he wants to take some of that money he earned by perpetuating rape culture and normalizing patriarchal stereotypes and all that stuff, and he wants to put it to good use.

He wants to help you kill your babies.

From the Planned Parenthood site:

Planned Parenthood has faced an unprecedented onslaught of attacks this year. Out-of-touch lawmakers are determined to push through a dangerous agenda: eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood health centers, block access to affordable birth control, enact a nationwide 20-week ban on abortion, and more. But in the wake of the violent attack on a Planned Parenthood health center in Colorado Springs, we are more committed than ever to keeping health center doors open, no matter what.

Start a monthly gift right now and Joss Whedon will chip in an extra $50 (up to $100,000 total) to power the fight for women’s health and rights.

Only $100,000, Joss? Well, I guess it’s a start. If you can’t get Marvel to delete that “I wish I could be barefoot and pregnant like Trump wants” scene from all subsequent home video releases, at least you can do this.

Please give generously, people. Please use the actions of a lunatic to justify snuffing out the lives of even more innocent people. Please help protect the most vulnerable among us, those who are helpless to defend themselves: abortionists and their PR flacks.

And as you’re handing over your cash, don’t forget the secret code phrase: “Hail Hydra.”