
SNL’s Trump Impersonator: Donald Is ‘The Most Positive Person I Have Ever Seen’

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Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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After reprising his role as “Saturday Night Live’s” resident Donald Trump impersonator, Darrell Hammond, sat down with the Hollywood Reporterand gave his key to imitating the Republican front-runner: positivity.

“It’s like a cinder pops out of the fire and hits your clothes, and you just brush it off,” he explained. “It’s almost like the negative thoughts — [he] just brushes them off.”

“A lot of people say he is cocky or full of himself,” the current SNL announcer continued. “Maybe he is, but he is also the most positive person I have ever seen except the athletes that have have come on the show.”

“I thought it was interesting because the athletes do the same thing because they know this is not their world, but something inside them tells them ‘I’ll figure a way to do this somehow.'”


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