DC Trawler

Pelosi To Apple, Regarding The iPhone: You Didn’t Build That

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

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I never really thought of my iPhone as a product of the United States government, because my iPhone works most of the time and I wasn’t required by law to buy it. But, as always, Nancy Pelosi knows better.

Clip courtesy of Aaron Kliegman at the Washington Free Beacon, who notes:

Pelosi was speaking at the Mid-Atlantic Democratic Platform Forum, one of a series of events to prepare the Democratic Party’s platform for its convention this summer in Philadelphia.

And that’s the Democratic Party’s platform, in a nutshell: You didn’t build that. You’re not smarter than us. You don’t work harder than us. You can’t do anything on your own. You don’t take risks with your own money and effort and time.

You need us, not the other way around.

Vote Democrat, or say goodbye to your precious iPhones.

Everybody says Picasso was such a genius. But what did he use? Paint. And how did that paint make its way to him? Public roads. Do the math, people: Picasso – Gov’t = 0.

You teabaggers love to whine about how the government won’t leave you alone. You’re always tweeting about it on your… iPhones. I love the irony, and so does Nancy Pelosi.
