DC Trawler

Trump Tells Hilarious Humor Joke About Mexican Planes Attacking Him Or Something

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Donald Trump says words. Lots and lots of words. All the time. People like it when he says words. Here are some words that Donald Trump said today.

“…Mexico, and I respect Mexico, I respect their leaders, what they’ve done to us is incredible, their leaders are so much smarter, so much sharper, and it’s incredible, in fact, that could be a Mexican plane up there, they’re getting ready to attack…”

And then he talked for 7 more hours and it was terrific.

I don’t know. It’s Trump. Whatever. He’s been blurting out stupid, bewildering nonsense in public for decades. That’s what Republicans want, apparently. So there he is. There’s your guy. You deserve him, Republicans. I would’ve preferred somebody who can beat Hillary Clinton, but why not this guy instead? Fantastic. Just great.

By the way, it’ll be my fault when he loses. I’m more than happy to take credit. You’re welcome, America.

Tags : mexico
Jim Treacher