A Word To Trumps Who Were Once Keys, But Have Turned

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Alan Keyes Former Assistant Secretary of State
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[In response to the articles I have done about Donald Trump’s candidacy I occasionally receive comments from people who say that they have supported me in the past, but are disappointed that I refuse to back Donald Trump’s candidacy for President.  This article is a synopsis of the reasoning I have offered in reply to these comments.  As we have now entered the decisive stage of this year’s election, I thought it would be of interest to my readers here.]

In supporting Donald Trump, you must be basing your view of his candidacy on the persona he has fabricated to con people out of their votes in this election cycle.  I see no reason to trust in that fabrication.  The overwhelming preponderance of the evidence from Donald Trump’s life suggests that he is a Democrat, Socialist libertine, who has occasionally made exceptions when it would serve his business interests.  Almost every position he now claims to espouse is diametrically opposed to those he has previously endorsed with his personal and financial support, with occasional exceptions when it served his financial interests. I see no reason to believe that the change is anything more than a similarly self-serving ploy.

You say he loves America, yet he has opposed the principles America is founded upon all this life—witness his previous and consistent support for the suppression of God-endowed natural right involve in the U.S. Supreme Court’s specious “abortion rights” jurisprudence; and his rejection of the “laws of nature and of nature’s God” when it comes to judicially coerced public disrespect for the God-endowed distinction between males and females.

Trump has stated that he will follow Obama’s lead when it comes to using executive orders.  He says he will get rid of Obamacare, but admires the socialist, government dominated healthcare model adopted in countries like Canada.  He purports to have changed his often expressed pro-abortion views, but shows no understanding whatsoever of the common sense logic of unalienable rights that vindicates the pro-life view.  When it comes to executive actions in defense of innocent life, and especially in regard to appointments to the Federal Judiciary, why should I believe he will observe and apply common sense he does not possess? He thinks we should increase debt financed federal spending, even though the U.S. government is already virtually bankrupt, by anything like the standard of financial accounting routinely applied to business enterprises, and he knows it.

These inconsistencies suggest that his candidacy is questionable hype, like the deceitful “sales puffery” his lawyers in the Trump U. lawsuit speak of as routine (and therefore, they claim, acceptable) business practice.  But like a successfully hyped but defective used car, a breakdown is likely after the sale.  However, there’s not even a short-term warranty on political promises. Indeed, instead of a warranty there’s a post-election “honeymoon period” during which the people who voted him in will be loath to admit they were deceived into making a mistake.

If he gets elected, he will therefore have every incentive to revert to type quickly, in order to promote his real views, while and telling you and others who supported him that he’s just doing what he told you he would do.  To this end he will call on the Democrat/GOP quisling majority that has allowed Obama and Hillary Clinton to inflict so much damage on our nation’s finances, national security and Constitutional foundations.  Of course his supporters will be shocked and dismayed because they have listened to his bombast instead of carefully pondering the tortuous path of what he has actually said and done, in his life and in this campaign.

You will recall that before he was elected I took issue with the lie that Obama was some kind of moderate.  I strenuously warned of his true character as an anti-American, would-be tyrant in the socialist totalitarian mold.  Trump is just a GOP quisling version of the same lie, trumped-up by the elitist faction (the clique of power that both the Democratic and Republican Parties presently serve) to mislead you and other good-hearted but misguided people, who continually trust the GOP label even after years of continual betrayals.

Trump has been an Obama/Clinton (Marxist/socialist) Democrat, who liked and was like Hillary Clinton. By and large, I have to conclude he still is.  I will never support an Obama/Clinton (Marxist/socialist) Democrat no matter how cleverly disguised or falsely labeled.   Since both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are tools of the same anti-American elitist agenda, neither of them will get my vote.  I’d rather disappoint you than have to answer to God for supporting anyone who unrepentantly idolizes human will, vanity and power.

I pray that folks like you are acting out of mistaken hope and misinformation.  If you know who Donald Trump really is, and are supporting him anyway, then I regret to say you never really understood the principled purpose of my participation public and political life.  No one who did would chide me for not supporting Donald Trump.  They would instead accuse me of betraying my long professed convictions if I did so.  They would decry me for sacrificing my allegiance to God’s authority, the Declaration premises of the Republic, and the purposes and provisions of America’s Constitutional Republic. With God’s help I pray that I will never do so. And I pray the same for you.