The Mirror

Even Tim Kaine’s Wife Thinks He Was A Whiny, Interrupting Little B*tch In The Debate


Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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At a post-debate rally in Philadelphia, VP hopeful Tim Kaine admitted that even his wife went after him for his feverish interrupting rampage.

Kaine reportedly interrupted his opponent Mike Pence 72 times during the VP debate Tuesday night.

“I got dinged a little bit even by my wife for interrupting too much. Okay. But the key part of that debate was at some points I felt like both me and Mike Pence were debating Donald Trump. I was going after Donald Trump and Mike Pence kind of going after Trump with me. And I can’t imagine that that made the Donald too happy so there may have been some interesting conversations about that today on the other side of the aisle,” Kaine said.

See the highlighted line below in which Kaine’s wife, Anne Holton, agrees with the whole nation that Kaine’s interrupting was annoying.
