
Email: AFL Union Question On Race Considered ‘Racist’

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Bill Clinton chief of staff Tina Flournoy deemed a question regarding the subject of race included on an American Federation Labor political questionnaire as “racist.”

According to a March 13, 2015 email published by WikiLeaks, Flournoy said she attached the AFL questionnaire for Podesta to look at and to give him a “sense of topline issues for them. This will likely change as other unions weigh in – some of whom are not happy with the questions.”

Flournoy previously worked as assistant to the president for public policy at the American Federation of Teachers, an international union representing more than 1.6 million members.

Flournoy later chimes in the email thread, “and btw the way they articulate the racism question is actually racist.”

Podesta gives a response that appears to have become a running joke among his circle, saying, “Bill de Blasio for President!!”

The questionnaire was not included in the WikiLeaks documents.

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